
Distribution for Christmas 2025

This year, 800 children from Prijepolje. Priboj, Nove Varoš, Sjenica and Novi Pazar received a donation of 5,000 dinars each.

The children are from families where none of the parents has a permanent job, so this modest Christmas help will enable them to buy a new winter jacket, boots or something else that is very necessary and why the parents do not have the opportunity to allocate funds.

The fact is that the survival of young families in the smaller towns of Serbia is very difficult due to the limited employment opportunities of the parents, but people still struggle to stay and survive on their hearths.

The traditional action of Stara Raska stemmed from the donor’s desire to somehow support and help children and families from these regions. We thank the donors on their behalf!

Расподела за Божић 2025

Ове године 800 деце из Пријепоља. Прибоја, Нове Вароши , Сјенице и Новог Пазара добило је донацију од по 5000 динара.

Деца су из породица где ни једно од родитеља нема стално запослење , па це им ова скромна Божићна помоћ омогућити да купе нову зимску јакну, чизме или нешто друго преко потребно а зашта родитељи немају могућности да издвоје средства.

Чињеница је да је опстанак младих породица у мањим градовима  Србије јако отежан због ограничених могућности запослења родитеља али се људи ипак боре да остану и опстану на својим огњистима.

Традиционална акција Старе Раске је проистекла из жеље донатора да се на неки начин подрже  и помогну  деца и породице из ових крајева . Захваљујемо се донаторима у њихово име!

Distribution of donations 2024

Christmas Gifts for Children in the Raška Region – Christmas 2024

For eighteen years in a row, the Humanitarian Organization “Stara Raška” from Belgrade has been distributing Christmas gifts to sick and poor children in the Raška Region. This year, about 700 children under the age of 16 received a gift in the amount of 5,000 dinars. The gifts were received by children in the municipalities of Prijepolje, Priboj, Nova Varoš, Sjenica. The distribution of gifts took place on January 5 and 6, 2024. So far, about half a million euros have been distributed in this program, from donations from the Serbian diaspora in Canada.

The funds for the gifts were provided by the Humanitarian Foundation “Stara Raška” from Canada. The funds were collected from contributions from people from the diaspora and in the temples of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Canada. Half of the total funds raised were donated by the company MDG from Canada.

The distribution of donations this year was also carried out by “Stara Raška” from Belgrade according to an already developed template that functions successfully thanks to the good relations between the two sister “Stara Raškas”, the one from Canada and the one from Belgrade.

Distribution of donations 2022 and 2023

2022 and 2023

In the last two years, Stara Raska has preserved the tradition of providing financial aid to poor and sick children in cities in the southwest of Serbia, where unemployment is still a problem for young parents.

For Christmas 2022 and for Christmas 2023, the foundation sent $40,000 each, so that in each of these two years, 620 children in Prijepolje, 300 children in Priboj and 192 children in Nova Varosa received a Christmas gift of 5,000 dinars each.

Our goal is to extend the action to Raska, Sjenica, Novi Pazar and other cities in Serbia where unemployment is high.

The humanitarian organization Stara Raska from Belgrade has been providing us with assistance in the distribution of donations for many years through its branches and volunteers in these cities, for which we are immensely grateful.

Children are the wealth of a Nation. The way we raise them and the experiences they have in childhood have a great influence on their actions as adults, and the development of society and the country they live in depends on it.

Our Christmas actions make children remember the gestures of humanity in the moments when they needed it the most, as well as the name of the foundation that carries out these actions and the history that we tell them with the name Stara Raska, as well as the great holiday, Christmas and its meaning and continuation.

In the last two years, through Stara Raska, help has reached our monasteries and churches in Serbia, Montenegro and the Republic of Srpska, as well as help in treating the sick in these territories.

Thank you to all donors on behalf of those who need help.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2021

Stara Raska managed to maintain the humanitarian tradition this year as well, and for Christmas it made happy the children in Serbia who live in families without a permanent income.

$ 47,500 was distributed to 702 children in the form of one-time financial aid, Christmas gifts, in the cities of Prijepolje, Priboj and Nova Varos.

Assistance in the distribution of donations was provided by members of the humanitarian sister organization from Belgrade and volunteers of the foundation in these three cities. We owe them a great deal of gratitude knowing all the extensive data collection process to make lists of qualified children in the cities.
Donations raised in 2020 worth about $ 83,000 reached monasteries and churches in Serbia, Montenegro and Republika Srpska, thanks in large part to the tireless humanitarian work of Biljana Gasovic, a longtime fundraiser in Stara Raska.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2020

PRIJEPOLJE, January 7 (Tanjug) – In three municipalities, Sjenica, Nova Varos and Prijepolje, representatives of the humanitarian organization “Stara Raska” distributed monetary gifts for 860 children, worth 4,300,000 dinars.

Thanks to the Humanitarian Foundation “Stara Raska” from Canada, Christmas presents were distributed to sick and poor children, children without parents, and children whose parents are not employed.

By the way, this year was the 15th year in a row since the Humanitarian Foundation from Toronto sent earmarked funds for Christmas gifts to children in the Raska area. So far, it has sent 810,500 Canadian dollars, which amounts to 540,000 euros or 64,840,000 dinars.

Behind this charity is the Serbian diaspora in Canada.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2019

PRIJEPOLJE, January 7 (Tanjug) – The humanitarian organization “Stara Raska” handed over financial aid to the poorest and sick children for the Christmas holidays this year as well.

As in previous years, this year the funds were donated by the Canadian-Serbian Humanitarian Foundation “Stara Raska” from Canada.

This year, 900 children from Nova Varoš, Prijepolje and Priboj received gifts, and in the fourteen years of the existence of the humanitarian foundation from Toronto, we managed to make a total of 12,000 children happy for Christmas.

This year, the children were given financial aid in the amount of 4.5 million dinars, and for the past ten years, a total of about half a million euros has arrived from Canada for this purpose.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2018

Children from Priboj, Prijepolje, Nova Varoš and Sjenica received Christmas gifts from our humanitarian foundation this year as well.
A total of $ 60,000 was distributed to the poor children

We are immensely grateful to all our members and donors who, this year as well, made it possible for the help to reach the children who need it the most in the municipalities of the Stara Raška area.

Other donations collected and sent in 2017:

Kosovo: $ 8500
Zagradje Monastery: $ 7000

Help for the sick: Miloš Knežević $ 2000 and Milica Kostić $ 600

We invite all good people to join us in the actions of our foundation and help at least one child from Stara Raška for next Christmas.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2017

Children from Priboj, Prijepolje and Nova Varoš, 950 of them, received Christmas presents from our humanitarian foundation this year as well. The packages were distributed to the younger children and 5,000 dinars to the older children, all in total over 4.5 million dinars. You can see how much that meant to the children in this short video report on TV Serbia.

We thank all our members and donors who made it possible for help to reach the children who need it the most in the municipalities of the Stara Raška area.

We also invite all good people to join us in the actions of our foundation and help at least one child from Stara Raška for the next Christmas.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2016

Continuing the tradition of giving help to children in the families of unemployed parents, this year we have ensured that 680 children in the cities of Priboj, Prijepolje, Nova Varos and Sjenica receive a financial aid of 5,000 dinars each as a Christmas present.
Distributions of donations were made on Christmas Eve with the help of associates of the eponymous sister humanitarian organization from Belgrade and volunteers in the field.

Unemployment has been an obstacle to founding and maintaining families in Serbia for years. For children born under these difficult circumstances, every humane gesture and attention paid is precious.
That is why we thank all the donors who made it possible for hundreds of poor children in their homeland to be happy this year as well.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2015

At the beginning of January 2015, poor and sick children in the municipalities of Prijepolje, Priboj and Nova Varos received humanitarian aid for Christmas, 860 of them for 5,000 dinars each.
This year, local volunteers and good people from the humanitarian organization Stara Raška from Belgrade, who help us to successfully carry out the foundation’s humanitarian actions in Serbia, provided us with great help in the process of making lists of qualified children, as well as in the distribution of donations.

Donors were mostly members of the foundation, individuals and businesses from the Serbian community of Toronto and the surrounding area this year as well.

We thank the donors who made it possible for the help to reach the poor children in Stara Raska this year as well, and we invite all good people to join us in the action of our foundation and help at least one child next Christmas.

Flood relief 2014

Fondacija je sakupila $30,000 CAD za pomoć poplavljenima u maju 2014 u Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj.

Donacije su raspodeljene u materijalnoj pomoći tako što je od prikupljenih sredstava kupljena bela tehnika koje je u zavisnosti od potrebe i prioriteta dobilo 70 ugroženih porodica iz poplavljenih oblasti.

I ovu akciju obavili smo preko izabranih volontera iz fondacije Stara Raška iz Beograda kao i uz pomoć članova organizacije Srbi za Srbe iz Beograda.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2014

Before Christmas, more precisely on January 4 and 5, 2014, the distribution of traditional financial Christmas aid was made to children in Serbia who live in families without any income.
This year, the foundation managed to raise $ 45,000.00 CAD for this purpose, and 390 children from Raska and 310 children from Prijepolje received a Christmas gift of 5,000 dinars each, which will come in handy for the purchase of basic necessities such as food, clothing, footwear and school supplies, and in some cases medications.

In these families, toys and sweets are a luxury that can rarely be afforded, almost never, and because of that, even symbolic help means a lot.

This year, great help in the process of making lists of qualified children, as well as in the distribution of donations was provided by local volunteers and good people from the humanitarian organization Stara Raska from Belgrade, who have been helping us for 10 years since our founding. successfully performed in Serbia.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2013

On Christmas Eve 2013, help was given to poor children in the Prijepolje and Priboj guards, where each of the 700 qualified children received 5,000 dinars or $ 70 as a gift. Although minimal, this assistance is welcome to families where both parents are unemployed. The lack of stable jobs in these cities makes it difficult for these families to survive where there are short-term seasonal jobs, if and when the opportunity arises for them.

The only way for these parents to provide some income to support the family, which has a bad effect on the mental state and living conditions of both parents and children.

The Christmas action is the foundation’s effort to beautify the growth of these children and at the same time deepen their experience and knowledge of the importance of belonging and humanity in their growing up and forming a outlook on life which is a prerequisite for a healthier future and future development of a healthy society and state.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2012

This year, on Christmas, we made happy 500 children from families where both parents are unemployed with a symbolic financial aid of 5,000 dinars per child. Donations are welcome for families without income in Nova Varoš and Prijepolje, because it is very difficult to find any job in these cities. The mission of the foundation to give help to children in families without any income every Christmas is becoming more and more current in Serbia, where the number of unemployed is growing from year to year instead of decreasing. The number of requests for assistance to qualified children was much higher than the Foundation could grant.

Thanks to the donors who made it possible for the help to reach a number of poor children this year as well, we invite all good people to join the action of the foundation and help at least one child next Christmas.

We would like to thank the Serbian KUD Oplenac from Toronto, which for the third year in a row is giving up space and volunteering for dinner and preparing an art program for the Annual Humanitarian Banquet of the Stara Raška Foundation. This year the banquet will be held on February 25 in Oplenac – 895 Rangeview Road Mississauga.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2011

The amount of Canadian dollars that the Humanitarian Foundation “Stara Raska” from Toronto collected and sent for children in the Raska area in the last six years is approaching the amount of half a million. It started with 150,000, and that amount in the crisis year of 2010 would be 40,000 Canadian dollars. The funds were distributed every year as a gift to children for the Christmas holidays.

On Christmas Day 2011, 1,600,000 dinars were distributed to children in Prijepolje, and 1,500,000 to children in Priboj. 200 children received a gift in Priboj for 7,500 dinars each, while the number in Prijepolje was around 300 children, because there were different distribution criteria, due to the large number of equal candidates.

The gifts were distributed by the humanitarian organization “Stara Raska” from Belgrade, to which the intended donor funds were previously allocated. The presentation of Christmas presents was organized by the Branches of the Humanitarian Organization in Prijepolje and Priboj.

The division was covered by several media, and Belgrade television B-92 broadcast an article on the same day in the daily at 4 p.m.

The recipients of the gifts expressed their gratitude to the benefactors from Canada.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2010

7. januara 2010 predstavnici Humanitarne Organizacije „Stara Raška“ uručili su siromašnoj deci humanitarni poklon od milion i šesto hiljada dinara . Vrednu donaciju koja je obradovala mališane za veliki praznik, poslala je Humanitarna Fondacija „Stara Raša“ iz Kanade.

Ovo je peta godina da iz dalekog Toronta stiže poklon u novcu za najmladje iz Raške oblasti, od zemljaka koji se u Kanadi okupljaju u ovoj Fondaciji. Deca, čiji roditelji nisu zaposleni, njih oko tri stotine, dobilo je ovog puta po pet i po hiljada dinara na svečanosti koja je za ovu priliku održana u amfiteatru Muzeja u Prijepolju.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2009

For the Christmas holidays in 2009, on Christmas Day, January 6, in the municipalities of the Raska region of Prijepolje, Priboj and Nova Varos, humanitarian aid was distributed to poor children in the amount of 1,755,000 dinars. 351 children received assistance for 5,000 dinars each, 150 in Prijepolje, 100 in Priboj and 101 in Nova Varoš. Funds for assistance in the form of a donation were provided by the Humanitarian Foundation “Stara Raska” from Toronto (Canada).
This was the fourth year in a row that humanitarian aid for the Christmas holidays was distributed to poor children in the Raska region, thanks to a donation from the same donor – the Humanitarian Foundation “Stara Raska” from Canada.

This Foundation donated a total of 290,000 Canadian dollars for this purpose. The credit for this and this kind of help belongs to all the people gathered in the Humanitarian Foundation “Stara Raska” in distant Canada, especially to the donors, and most of all to the president of the Foundation, Mrs. Dragana Varaklić.

As in previous years, this year the children also received gift packages from the company “Soko Stark” from Belgrade. The sponsor of this humanitarian action was SP “Lasta” from Belgrade, which transported the delegation of the Organization and packages from Belgrade to the Raska region free of charge.
The organization and distribution of aid was performed by the Humanitarian Organization “Stara Raska” in cooperation with its branches in these municipalities. The division was well organized and carried out in the cultural centers of Prijepolje, Priboj and Nova Varoš.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2008

The annual humanitarian banquet of the foundation for the year 2008 was held on February 23 in Mississauga in the premises of SKUD Oplenac. The evening was delayed due to demonstrations on the recognition of Kosovo’s independence by the United States, but people still came to support the fight for Stara Raska, for which there is still hope. And the hope and hope of the poor part of southwestern Serbia are precisely the children to whom donations from distant Canada reach every Christmas.

Donors mostly this year were members of the foundation, individuals and businesses from the Serbian community of Toronto and the surrounding area.

This year, another 500 children from non-income families in the towns of Raska and Sjenica received assistance.

On this occasion, as in previous years, Dragana Varaklic, the president of the foundation, invited all Serbs on the American continent and beyond to join the action of collecting aid for poor children in their homeland. The action runs throughout the year.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2007

The annual humanitarian banquet of the foundation was held in the building of SKUD Oplenac in Mississauga, on February 18, 2007. The president of the foundation addressed a gathering of about 300 people and, appealing to everyone to help humanitarian actions, thanked the donors for the past year with the words:

“Companies and individuals who help the foundation’s actions have made it possible for donations to poor children and this Christmas to reach the homeland, as well as the voice for white eagles to live and survive in Canada, celebrating Glory, nurturing tradition and origin, and representing their people to the West.” the truth about him, and the goodness in which they were raised and which they took with them, they bring back to their homeland on the wings of angels. ”

The Foundation helped over 2,000 poor Serbian children through two historical, in the homeland recognized and decorated actions, “Canadian Serbs for the Children of Serbia”, performed for Christmas 2006 and 2007.

This Christmas, the Stara Raska Foundation also donated financial humanitarian aid to poor children in Serbia. On this occasion, the beneficiaries were children born after 1990 in families where neither parent is employed, meaning in families without any income. This year’s list included over 450 qualified children, who received 100 (one hundred) Canadian dollars each. Donations were also received by a number of sick children and homeless elderly people from Stari Ras and Raska.
Like every Christmas, with donations to children in Serbia, we sent greetings from Canada with the message that they are not forgotten, that they respect and love their people and country because that is the only way to progress.
The Canadian-Serbian Humanitarian Foundation Stara Raska, with its humanitarian action, sowed the seeds of goodness in the hills and valleys of the homeland this Christmas as well. Thousands of children in Serbia are already growing fed on the fruit grown from that seed, which was sown by Canadian Serbs last Christmas.
The management of the foundation thanks all those who with their donations enabled us to sow the seeds of goodness this Christmas season and we appeal to all good people to approach the donations in order to do so for Christmas 2008 and beyond.

Distribution of donations – Christmas 2006

In her speech, Dragana Varaklic, the foundation’s president, appealed to Canadian Serbs and all good people to join the foundation’s action, which continues to collect donations to help vulnerable children in Serbia buy books and school equipment in the fall: “By helping to the people in need, we also help preserve the identity, traditions and origins of ourselves and our children. ” The Celebration of the Canadian-Serbian Humanitarian Foundation Stara Raska St. Simeon Mirotocivi was held on February 26 in the Oplenac building in Mississauga.

The present guests and donors had the opportunity to see the original recordings from the distribution of humanitarian aid to poor children in the churches of southwestern Serbia in the action that this foundation carried out for Orthodox Christmas in 2006. Many were shocked by the footage and the fact that thousands of Serb children live in poverty due to the economic crisis and unemployment.